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Endermologie®: the 100% natural, non-invasive, non-aggressive mechanical skin stimulation technique that reactivates cells’ processes.

As the true architects of skin, fibroblasts are responsible for creating the basic building blocks of the dermis, giving it density, softness, and radiance: collagen for firmness, elastin for suppleness, and hyaluronic acid for volume and hydration. Yet, as early as 25 years of age and despite a perfectly healthy lifestyle, the production of these rejuvenating substances slows.


The patented LPG® treatment head exerts micro-pulsations over the skin surface to stimulate it and thoroughly reactivate the synthesis process of fibroblasts:

  • the production of new, good collagen and natural hyaluronic acid (+80%*) gives the dermis back some of its volume and thus “lifts” the bottom of the wrinkle.

  • the synthesis of elastin (+46%*) makes the skin more supple and more resistant to multiple muscular micro-contractions, which are often the cause of “expression lines.”


Skin begins to sag and lose its density, creating wrinkles and furrows, mostly on the face, neck, décolleté, and hands.Other external factors, such as sun, stress, tobacco, or even pollution, can accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. Skin begins to sag and lose its density, creating wrinkles and furrows, mostly on the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. Other external factors, such as sun, stress, tobacco, or even pollution, can accelerate the appearance of wrinkles.

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The face loses firmness and tonicity, the nasolabial folds (laugh lines) become deeper, and the eyelids become droopy. The skin gradually stretches, leading to a general sagging of the face.

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Double chin is hardly aesthetically pleasing, and it affects both men and women of all ages: it distorts your facial features and make your face heavier. It is generally caused by the accumulation of fatty masses, but can also arises as a side effect of sagging skin, due to reduced synthesis of natural collagen and elastin fibers.

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Stress, pollution, lack of sleep, and tobacco use are also factors that darken skin: venous and lymphatic microcirculation slows, and toxins build up. Skin then loses its radiance and the complexion becomes dull.

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